Waiver of Liability & Hold Harmless Agreement
An Adult Parent, Guardian, and/or Participant, who is at least 18 years old,
must approve these terms by completing registration in order to be valid.
I, for myself and participant(s) named below hereby WAIVE, RELEASE, AND HOLD HARMLESS the Town of Griswold, their owners, affiliates, directors, shareholders, officers, members, agents, employees, landlords, other participants, sponsoring agents and all other persons or entities acting on their behalf, from and against any and all claims, liability, damages, cost or expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or related to our participation or use of the facility. I, for myself & participant(s) allow for my child to be included in photos, videos, and all media for public posting and marketing purposes for this year's program and future programs.
I am aware that by signing this agreement, I assume all risks and waive and release all substantial rights that I may have and possess. I, and participant, agree to participate at our own risk.